Biznesi, apel qeverise - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Ne prag te miratimit te buxhetit ne parlament, komuniteti i biznesit i bën thirrje qeverise qe ne draftbuxhetin e vitit te ardhshëm te përcaktoje edhe shlyerjen e borxheve te prapambetura qe ka ndaj sipërmarrësve. Sipas kryetarit te biznes Albania, tashme bankat nuk japin me kredi për shkak se një pjese tyre nuk janë kthyer nga biznesi. Ky i fundit është pro idesë te rritjes se kufirit te borxhet, me qellim qe te shlyhen detyrimet qe qeveria i ka kompanive. Por net e gjeten linje është edhe deputeti i mazhorances. Sybi Hida është i mendimit se këto detyrime duhet te shlyhen brenda tre mujorit te pare 2013, ndersa heqja e kufirit te borxhit publik sipas tij do te sjelle me shume para ne qarkullim e për rrjedhoje do te ndikoje ne investime. Ndonëse qeveria ka e mohuar kategorikisht se i detyrohet biznesit miliona euro, sipas te dhënave jo zyrtare shuma e këtyre borxheve ka arritur ne mbi 150 milion euro. Ky fakt ka sjelle rritjen e kredive te këqija e për rrjedhoje edhe bankat kane stepur kreditimin. Ky zinxhir efektesh ka ndikuar negativisht tek biznesi e për rrjedhoje edhe tek ekonomia.

On the eve of the parliamentary budget approval, the business community urges government to draftbuxhetin next year to determine the repayment of outstanding debts to entrepreneurs. According to the president of Albania business, now banks do not give loans because some are not back from the business. The latter is pro the idea of increasing the debt limit, in order to pay back the obligations that the government has companies. But found the net line is the deputy majority. Sybi Hida is of the opinion that these obligations should be settled within the first three months of 2013, while cutting public debt limit as it will bring more money into circulation and consequently will affect the investment. Although the government has categorically denied that the business owes millions of euros, according to unofficial data the amount of such debt has reached more than 150 million euro. This fact has led to the growth of bad loans and consequently have struck banks lending. This chain of effects has a negative impact on business and consequently also to the economy.