Alarm bombe në gjykatën e Tiranës - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Nje alarm per bombe, rreth ores 10:00 te paradites se sotme, ka pezulluar punen ne gjykaten e Tiranes.
Forca te shumta te policise kane evakuuar personelin e gjykates, gjyqtaret, prokuroret, sekretaret si dhe gjithe personat e pranishem, ndersa ka nisur kontrolli ne ambientet e brendshme. Burime te policise bejne te ditur, se alarmi per nje bombe ne gjykate eshte dhene permes nje telefonate anonime, te bere nga nje numer qe i takon kryeqytetit. Por, nuk dihet nese telefonata eshte bere ne polici apo ne gjykate. Deri me tani nuk eshte gjetur asgje e dyshimte, ndersa policia sqaroi se ishte nje alarm i rreme, per te cilin po vijon hetimi. Nga alarmi te gjitha gjyqet jane bllokuar dhe nje pjese e tyre edhe jane shtyre per ditet ne vijim.

A bomb alert, around 10:00 the morning today, has suspended work in court.
Many police forces have evacuated court personnel, judges, prosecutors, secretaries, and all persons present, and has launched internal control environments. Police sources indicate, that the alarm for a bomb in the court is given through an anonymous phone call made ??by a number that belongs to capital. But it is not known if the call was made to the police or the court. So far not found anything suspicious, and police explained that it was a false alarm, for which the investigation is continuing. All alarm trials were blocked and some of them are pushing for the following days.