KLD, Tabaku nuk paraqitet shtyhet mbledhja - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Per te dyten here, Keshilli i Larte i Drejtesise nuk ka mundur te shqyrtoje kerkesen e ministrit te Drejtesise, per procedimin disiplinor per gjyqtarin e gjykates se Durresit Neritan Tabaku.
Edhe kete here, gjyqtari i Durresit kishte paraqitur ne KLD nje raport mjekesor, ku njoftonte se nuk ishte i afte deri ne daten 7 dhjetor. Ne keto kushte, kryetari i KLD-së Bujar Nishani vendosi te shtyje procedimin per ne daten 3 dhjetor. Gjithashtu ne kete mbledhje u diskutua edhe kriteret e emërimit te gjyqtareve ne gjykatat Administrative ne shkallen e pare dhe te apelit. Data e kryerjes se testimit per gjyqtaret qe do te kandidojnë do te jete 21-22 janari, ndërsa korrigjimi i testimit do te behet me elektronike.

For the second time, the High Council of Justice has failed to consider the request of the Minister of Justice, for disciplinary proceedings to the judge of the court that Westmoreland Neritan Tabaku.
Even this time, Judge Westmoreland had submitted in HCJ a medical report, announcing that it was not able to date December 7. In these circumstances, the chairman of the High Council of Justice Bujar Nishani decided to postpone the proceeding for the date December 3. Also at this meeting discussed the criteria for the appointment of judges to administrative courts in the first instance and appeal. Date of performance testing for judges to be run will be January 21-22, while testing correction will be made electronically.