Tirana një ditë pas pavarësisë - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Kjo ka qene pamja e qendrës se kryeqytetit vetëm disa ore pas festes qe ka përfshirë Tiranen me kremtimet e 100-vjetorit te pavarësisë. Ky mëngjes ka qene i vone, pasi ne sheshin "Skenderbej" punonjësit e ndërmarrjes se pastrim-gjelbërimit e kane nisur punen rreth orës 9:00. Nje pamje ende te rrëmujshme ka pasur edhe Pallati i Kulturës, e sidomos pjesa e kolonave ku situata e dale jashtë kontrolli nje dite me pare me tortën gjigante, reflektohej ende ne muret dhe xhamat e bizneseve aty rrotull. Nje pamje te ngjashme mes rrëmujës te shkaktuar nga njerëzit qe kane qëndruar ne koncert kishte edhe sheshi "Nene Tereza". Madje disa banera reklamues te varur e te grisur ne fasadën e Universitetit te Arteve kane reflektuar pasojat e festes. Dëshmitarë te lumit te njerëzve me 28 nëntor jane edhe monumentet e përuruara, mes te cilave ka mbetur pa u inauguruar shtatorja e ish-Mbretit Zog, piedestali i te cilës pret ende monumentin. Kaosit te ardhur nga festimet i është shtuar edhe demi, qe i kane shkaktuar reshjet e shiut dekorit te Bulevardit Dëshmoret e Kombit, gjate mbrëmjes.

This was the appearance of the center that is located just a few hours after the feast that included Tirana with celebrations of the 100th anniversary of independence. This morning it was later, after the "Skanderbeg Square"-green cleaning enterprise employees have started work around 9:00. A look messy yet had the Palace of Culture, especially the part of the column where the situation gets out of control the day before with giant cake, still reflected on the walls and windows of nearby businesses. A similar view between the confusion caused by people who have stayed in the concert also had "Mother Teresa". Even some promotional banners hanging gash in the facade of the University of the Arts have reflect holiday consequences. Witnessed people river on 28 November is also the unveiling monuments, among which has not been inaugurated statue of former King Zog, which still awaits the monument pedestal. Chaos coming from the festivities was added damage that may have caused rainfall décor Boulevard during the evening.