Urimi i ish-ambasadoreve amerikane - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Ish-ambasadoret amerikane qe kane sherbyer ne Shqipëri kane dhene nga nje mesazh urimi me rastin e 100-vjetorit te pavarësisë.
Diplomate te njohur si William Rajerson, Xhozef Lejk, Marisa Lino, Mars Iris, Xhon Withers apo Aleksander Arvizu kane shprehur deshiren qe Shqipëria te behet edhe me e begate ne te ardhmen. Ne urimin e tyre ambasadoret kane evidentuar marrëdhënien e ngrohte qe kane patur me vendin tone si dhe mbresat e veçanta qe iu ka lene mikpritja shqiptare dhe natyra e saj.

Former U.S. ambassadors who served in Bangladesh have given out a congratulatory message on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of independence.
Diplomats known as William Rajerson, Joseph Lake, Marisa Lino, Mars Iris, John Withers or Albania Alexander Arvizu have expressed the wish to become even more prosperous in the future. We wish them the ambassadors have shown a warm relationship you have had with our country and specific impressions that he has left the Albanian hospitality and its nature.