Debat - 23 Nentor 2012 - Vizion Plus - Talk Show

2015-11-22 0

Kreu i LSI-së Ilir Meta deklaron se LSI-ja do te hyje e vetme ne zgjedhje.
Ne emisionin "Debat", Meta ka deklaruar se vendimin per aleancat do ta marrin forumet por, sipas tij, nje parti e re si LSI-ja favorizohet kur del vetem ne zgjedhje. Meta ka sqaruar se nuk do te kete koalicion parazgjedhor as me PS-në, per shkak te qendrimit te kesaj te fundit. Por, Meta ka pranuar mundësinë e nje koalicioni pas zgjedhjeve per hir te stabilitetit te vendit. Duke u ndalur tek festimet për 100-vjetorin e pavarësisë, Meta ka sjelle nje këndvështrim tjeter nga kryeministri Berisha, duke theksuar se ne 28 nëntor Vlora duhet te jete kryeqendra e festimeve ndërkohë qe eshte shprehur kundër idese se therjes se deshëve dhe qengjave. Kritika Meta ka rezervuar edhe per privatizimin e CEZ-it, qe e ka cilesuar te dështuar si dhe per premtimin per rritjen e pagave dhe pensioneve. Ne lidhje me betejën e qershorit te vitit 2013, kreu i LSI-së Meta ka shprehur preference per te garuar ne listën e deputeteve ne qarkun e Tiranes.

SMI leader Ilir Meta claims that LSI will come only in the election.
We show "Debate," Meta said that a decision on alliances will receive the forums but, according to him, a new party as SMI is favored when it emerges only choice. Meta has clarified that there will be no pre-election coalition or with SP, because of the attitude of the latter. But, Meta has acknowledged the possibility of a coalition after the election for the sake of stability in the country. Focusing on the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of independence, Meta has brought another perspective by Prime Minister Berisha, noting that on 28 November Vlora should be the capital of the celebrations while that is expressed against the idea of ??slaughtering rams and lambs. Meta criticism is reserved for the privatization of CEZ, which has named failed as well as the promise to increase salaries and pensions. In connection with the battle of June 2013, the head of the SMI Meta expressed preference to compete in the list of deputies in the district of Tirana.