KQZ, dështon ndarja e mandateve - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

KQZ deshtoi sot ne vendimmarrjen e pare me shumice te cilesuar.
Akti per ndarjen e mandateve te deputeteve nuk mori dot pese votat qe parashikon kodi per t'u miratuar, pasi anetaret e propozuar nga opozita, nuk moren pjese ne votim. Nenkryetari Denar Biba tha se mosvotimi i aktit vjen per shkak te refuzimit te Drejtorise se Gjendjes Civile, per te dhene informacion rreth levizjes demografike ne qarkun e Kukesit. Tashme akti pritet te shkoje ne Kolegjin Zgjedhor. Opozita pretendoi dy dite me pare, se nje deputet i duhet hequr qarkut te Kukesit dhe jo Beratit, e per kete arsye kerkoi te dhena mbi popullsine. Por ministria e Brendshme refuzoi, duke thene se nuk mund te jepte asnje informacion, pasi ai mbrohej nga ligji per te dhenat personale.

CEC failed today in the first decision by a qualified majority.
Act mandates sharing of deputies not got five votes that provides code to be adopted, as proposed by the opposition members did not participate in the vote. Deputy Denar Biba said that not voting for the bill comes due to the refusal of the Directorate of Civil Status, to provide information about demographic movement in the district of Kukes. Now the act is expected to go to the Electoral College. The opposition claimed two days ago, that an MP should be removed Kukes district and not Portland, and for this reason asked for data on the population. But the Interior Ministry refused, saying he could not give any information, because it was protected by the law on personal data.

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