Përplasja PS-PD për "Fierin" - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Opozita se nuk ka hequr dore nga kushti per zhbllokimin e çeshtjes ne qarkun e Fierit, per te votuar Ligjin qe kerkon shumice te cilesuar, per Gjykaten e Larte.
Anetari i komisionit te Ligjeve Armando Subashi tha se dy detyrat e tjera te lena nga BE per fitimin e statusit, nuk jane pjese e kushtëzimit te PS, pasi nuk lidhen me zbatimin e vendimeve te gjyqësorit. Por nënkryetari i grupit parlamentar Demokrat Edi Paloka deklaroi se mandati i kreut te këshillit te qarkut Fier, ishte vetem nje pretekst i përdorur nga te majtët qe bllokon integrimin. Data 20 nentor ishte parashikuar si afati limit per votimin e 3 reformave, qe lidhen me gjykatën e Larte, nëpunësin civil dhe rregulloren e parlamentit. Por, klasa politike nuk ja ka dale t'i gjeje kompromis, duke vene ne dyshim marrjen e statusit kete dhjetor, per te tretin vit radhazi.

Opposition that has not relinquished condition for unlocking of the case in the district of Fier, to vote the law that requires a qualified majority, for the Supreme Court.
Laws committee member Armando Subashi said two other tasks left by the EU for the acquisition of status, are not part of the conditionality of the SP, as it related to the implementation of judicial decisions. But Democrat parliamentary group deputy leader Edi Paloka said that the mandate of the head of the district council Fier, was only a pretext used by the left that blocks integration. November 20th was estimated as the time limit for 3 voting reforms related to the Supreme Court, civil servants and the rules of parliament. But the political class has come to find a compromise, question the status making this December, for the third year in a row.