Debati për borxhin e 2013-ës - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Ministria e Financave prezantoi ne konferencën e Kryetareve projektbuxhetin e vitit 2013, ku kerkoi te hiqet kufiri ligjor i borxhit publik. Por opozita nuk do te pranoje kufirin e borxhit prej 62.6 % qe eshte parashikuar ne buxhetin e vitit 2013. Sipas deputetes Mimi Kodheli, ky nivel borxhi edhe pse ka tejkaluar kufirin ligjor, nuk zgjidh dy probleme thelbësore qe shqetësojnë ekonominë qe jane: kriza energjetike si dhe pagesat e faturave te prapambetura per firmat e ndërtimit. Por, mazhoraca argumenton se ne stadin aktual, ekonomia ka nevoje per investime, ndaj rritja kufirit te borxhit do te jete nje stimuli nevojshëm. Por me nje borxh prej 62.2% e prodhimit te brendshëm bruto, ne fund te 2013 ky tregues parashikohet te arrije ne rreth 900 miliard leke. Kjo do te thote se shpenzimet dhe investimet e gjate vitit elektoral do te përqendrohen ne borxhe. Drafti parashikon nje rritje ekonomike prej 4 %, qe per opozitën ky nivel nuk konsiderohet realist, ndërsa mazhoracna mendon se rritja mund te jete edhe me e madhe ne 2013. Mazhoranca e ka konsideruar draftin si konservator, por qe ndikon ne rritjen ekonomike. Buxheti do te diskutohet ditën e premte ne komisionin e Ekonomisë dhe ne daten 7 dhjetor eshte vendosur per t'u miratuar ne Kuvend.

Ministry of Finance presented to the Conference of Heads draft of 2013, which sought to remove legal limit of public debt. But the opposition would not accept the debt limit of 62.6%, which is provided in the 2013 budget. According to the deputy Mimi Kodheli, that although the debt level exceeded the legal limit, it solves two fundamental problems plaguing the economy are: energy crisis as well as the payment of overdue invoices for construction firms. But mazhoraca argues that in the current stage, the economy needs investment to increase the debt limit would be a necessary stimulus. But with a debt of 62.2% of gross domestic product by the end of 2013 this figure is expected to reach 900 billion. This means that the costs and investments during the election year will focus on the debt. The draft envisages a growth rate of 4% for the opposition this level is not considered realistic, while mazhoracna thinks growth could be even greater in 2013. The Government has considered the draft as conservative, but that affects economic growth. The budget will be discussed on Friday, in commission of Economy and the date December 7 is set to be approved by the Assembly.