KQZ për ndarjen e mandateve - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Prej disa oresh, KQZ po debaton rreth ndarjes se mandateve per zgjedhjet e vitit 2013. Sipas aktit te hartuar nga administrata, ne zgjedhjet e ardhshme, qarkut te Beratit dhe atij te Korçes i hiqet nje mandat deputeti, nderkohe qe qarkut te Tiranes dhe atij te Durresit i shtohet nje mandat. Por, perfaqesuesi i PS ne KQZ, Genc Gjonçaj ka hedhur dyshime mbi rritjen e larte te popullsise ne qarkun e Kukesit, rritje kjo qe ka çuar ne ruajtjen e kater mandateve ne kete qark dhe heqjen e nje mandati ne Berat. Sipas Gjonçajt, KQZ duhet te beje hetim administrativ para se te miratoje ndarjen e mandateve. Kjo kerkese eshte pranuar nga anetaret Denar Biba dhe Albana Shtylla, te cilet propozuan qe ministria e Brendshme te sjelle te dhena te detajuara per levizjet demografike me listen e popullsise ne maj.

For several hours, the CEC is debating about sharing seats for elections in 2013. Under the act drafted by the administration, in the next elections, county of Berat and that of Korca removed a deputy mandate, while the district of Tirana and Durres that adds a mandate. But SP representative to the CEC, Genc Gjonçaj has cast doubt on the high population growth in the district of Kukes, a growth that has resulted in the preservation of four seats in the circuit and the removal of a mandate in Berat. Accordance with Gjonçajt, must make an administrative investigation before approving the allocation of seats. This request was rejected by members Denar Biba and Albana Pillar, who proposed that the Ministry of Interior to bring detailed data on demographic movements with a list of the population in May.