Protesta e ish-të përndjekurve - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Per rreth nje ore dhjetera ish-te perndjekur politike kane protestuar para selise se parlamentit. Ashtu siç kane bere per jave me radhe ish-te perndjekurit kane kerkuar nga qeveria te zbatoje ligjin per demshperblimin dhe t'u paguaje kestet qe iu takojne.
Sipas tyre, nje qeveri qe nuk zgjidh problemet e shoqerise duhet te largohet dhe t'i hape rrugen nje force politike qe dialogon dhe gjen pergjigje per problemet e shtreses se ish-te perndjekurve. Ish-koordinatori i greves se urise se ish te perndjekurve politike, Skender Tufa ka kerkuar nga parlamenti te mbaje nje minute heshtje per Lirak Bejkon, i cili humbi jeten ne nje spital ne itali, per shkak te plageve te marra ne 10 tetor, kur i vuri flaken vetes, ne shenje proteste. Tufa ka theksuar se familjes se te ndjerit duhet t'i jepet nje shtepi dhe t'i lidhet nje pension bashkeshortes se tij. Protesta eshte zhvilluar e qete dhe pa incidente, nderkohe qe eshte mbikeqyrur nga forca te shumta policie.

For about an hour dozens of former political persecution protested in front of the parliament. Just as they have done for weeks former persecuted have asked the government to implement the law on compensation and to pay installments which they are entitled. According to them, a government that does not solve the problems of society should step down and pave the way for a political force that dialogon and find answers to problems persecuted layer. Former coordinator of the hunger strike that former political prisoners, Skender Tufa has asked parliament to hold a minute of silence for Lirak Bacon, who died in a hospital in Italy, due to wounds received on October 10, when set fire to herself in protest. Tufa said that the family of the deceased should be given a house and relates to a pension his wife. The protest was conducted smoothly and without incident, while it is supervised by numerous police forces.

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