Ambasadori i OSBE-së ne Tirane Eugen Volfarth, i bën apel klasës politike te realizoje ne kohe reformat e mbetura, si kusht per marrjen e statusit te vendit kandidat ne Bashkimin Evropian. Nga Durrësi, kreu i OSBE-se, kërkoi vullnetin e te gjitha palëve për te kaluar pa vonese sipas tij, ligjet qe duan 3/ 5 e votave ne parlament. Duke vlerësuar reformat e kryera vitin e fundit, si ajo e heqjes se imunitetit te zyrtareve dhe reforma zgjedhore, diplomati i huaj beri apel edhe për zbatimin e tyre ne praktike duke vene theksin tek një proces i ndershëm zgjedhor. I pyetur për çështjen e Fierit dhe mosrespektimin e vendimeve te gjykatave, kreu i OSBE-se nuk ka bere komente, por u shpreh se situata po shkon drejt zgjidhjes.
OSCE Ambassador in Tirana, Eugen Wollfarth, calls on the political class to realize in time the remaining reforms as a condition for obtaining the status of candidate country to the European Union. From Durres, head of the OSCE, urged all parties will be passed without delay, according to him, the laws you want 3/5 of votes in parliament. Praising the reforms carried out in the last year, as it's lifting the immunity of officials and electoral reforms, foreign diplomat appealed for their implementation in practice with an emphasis on a fair electoral process. Asked about the issue of Fier and disrespect of court decisions, the head of the OSCE has not commented, but said that the situation is moving toward a solution.