Kreu i grupit parlamentar te PS, Gramoz Ruçi ka sqaruar ne emisionin "Debat" alternativen e se majtës për te fituar zgjedhjet e ardhshme parlamentare.
Sipas Ruçit, krahas programit PS do t'i kushtoje rendesi edhe koalicioneve; por fitorja i perket se majtës pavarësisht qëndrimit qe mbajnë partitë e tjera; duke iu referuar ketu FRD se Bamir Topit dhe AK se Kreshnik Spahiut. Ruçi iu eshte pergjigjur edhe zerave qe e shohin vendimtar per fitoren nje koalicion me LSI, duke sjelle shembuj se PS me LSI merr me pak vota se sa kur del ne zgjedhje pa partine e Ilir Metes. Duke u ndalur tek 3 kushtet e Komisionit Europian per statusin, Ruçi ka theksuar se nuk tërhiqet nga çeshtja e qarkut Fier dhe ne rast se ne dhjetor vendimi i këshillit te ministrave do te jete negative, koston e mban maxhoranca. Sipas Ruçit, Berisha po perpiqet ta marre qarkun e Fierit sepse i duhet per zgjedhjet e vitit 2013. Kreu i grupit parlamentar socialist ka kritikuar edhe qëndrimin e Arben Malajt, sipas te cilit kushtëzimi i integrimit me Fierin dëmton PS.
PS parliamentary group leader, Gramoz Ruchi explained in the show "Debate" alternative left to win the next general election.
According to Ruchi, along with PS program will pay important coalitions;, but the victory belongs to the left despite the attitude you hold other parties; referring here FRD Bamir Topi and AK Kreshnik Spahiu. Ruchi responded to the rumors you see the decisive victory of a coalition with LSI, bringing examples of PS with LSI gets less votes than when he goes to the polls without party Ilir Meta. Focusing on 3 European Commission conditions for status, Ruchi pointed out that it withdraw from the question of Fier district and if the December decision of the council of ministers will be negative, the cost of holding the majority. According to Ruchi, Berisha is trying to take Fier region because of the need for the 2013 elections. Socialist parliamentary group leader also criticized Arben Malaj position, according to which Fier integration conditionality undermines PS.