Martin Schulz për statusin e Shqipërisë - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Presidenti i Parlamentit Europian Martin Schulz deklaron se pa permbushjen e kritereve nuk ka anetaresim ne Bashkimin Europian te asnje vendi qe aspiron per kete. Ne nje interviste per "Dojçe Vele", Schulz shprehet se ne rastin e Shqiperise, per integrimin, nevoje urgjente eshte perforcimi i shtetit ligjor, garantimin e aftesise funksionuese te ekonomise se tregut, reformat ne fushat e drejtesise dhe administrates publike dhe intensifikimin e luftes kunder korrupsionit, kriminalitetit te organizuar dhe pastrimit te parave. Me gjithe progresin e arritur, sipas zyrtarit te larte europian, Shqiperia ka shume pune per te bere. Sipas tij, pergjegjesia per permbushjen e kritereve te anetaresimit bie ne radhe te pare tek vendi kandidat.

European Parliament President Martin Schulz states that without meeting the criteria did not join the European Union to any country that aspires to this. In an interview for "Deutsche Welle" Schulz says that in the case of Albania, for the integration, the urgent need to strengthen the rule of law, ensuring the ability of functioning market economy reforms in the areas of justice and public administration, and the intensification of the fight against corruption, organized crime and money laundering. Despite the progress achieved, according to the senior official European Albania has more work to do. According to him, the responsibility for the fulfillment of membership criteria falls in the first place to the candidate.