Gjykata e shkalles seP ne Elbasan ka vetem dy salla gjykimi kur ne te punojnë 18 gjyqtare. Sipas standardeve te këtyre institucioneve per çdo dy gjyqtare duhet te kete nje salle. Numri i vogel i ambienteve është bere shkas edhe shtyrjen ne kohe te gjykimit te çështjeve ne kete qytet. Drejtuesit e saj pohojnë se kane bere disa here kërkese per ambiente te reja, por ajo nuk është marre parasysh. Vetem ne nje dite ne gjykatën e Elbasanit merren ne shqyrtim rreth 50 çështje.
Sep instance court in Elbasan has only two courtrooms when we work 18 judges. According to the standards of these institutions for any two judges must have a hall. Small number of facilities is done cause the postponement in time trial of the issues in this city. Its leaders claim that they have done several times demand for new facilities, but it is not taken into account. Only one day in the teen taken into consideration about 50 issues.