Mediat vizive apo radiot do te kenë te drejte te transmetojnë pa patur nevojën e nje licence, por vetëm duke u regjistruar pranë Autoritetit te Mediave Audiovizive.
Komisioni i Medias miratoi me konsensus nenin qe liberalizon tregun mediatik. AMA ka te drejte te heqë licencën, vetëm ne rast se operatori mediatik shkel kodin e etikes, apo për thyeje te tjera te parashikuara te Ligjit. Por palët kane debatuar mbi konceptin e varësisë se Këshillit te ankesave, qe funksionon pranë AMA-s. Per opozitën, ky autoritet duhet ngritur me shumice te cilësuar votash, propozim qe nuk u pranua nga shumica ne Komision.
Visual media or radio shall have the right to transmit without the need for a license, but only by registering with the Audiovisual Media Authority.Media Commission adopted by consensus article that liberalizing the media market. AMA has the right to revoke the license, just in case the media operator violates the code of ethics, or break other set of Law. But the parties have debated the concept of addiction that the Appeals Council, which operates in the AMA's. For the opposition, this authority should be set up by a qualified majority vote, that proposal was not accepted by the majority in the Commission.