Korçë, konflikt në gjykatë - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 15

Reagimi i familjareve te Edison Kodralit, i akuzuar per vrasjen e rojës se kazinosë ne fshatin Vlocisht te Korçës,ka qene shume i ashper. Pas vendimit te gjykatës qe la ne "burg pa afat" 35-vjeçarin, te tronditur te afërmit e tij këmbëngulin se ai nuk është autori i vrasjes se Et'hem Hënës. Edhe 35-vjeçari i akuzuar per vrasje, per asnjë moment nuk e ka pranuar krimin. Sipas tij, ne momentin ku ka ndodhur vrasja e rojes se kazinosë, ai ndodhej ne shtëpi me familjaret. Por dëshmia e tij dhe e familjareve nuk e ka bindur gjykatën, e cila ka marre parasysh provat e sjella nga prokuroria. Sipas prokurorit te çështjes, i dyshuari ka kundërthënie ne dëshmi dhe si prove kryesore është marre fakti qe ne bluzën e tij, ne ditën kur ndodhi ngjarja, kishte shenja baruti. Por avokati mbrojtës eshte shprehur nuk eksitojnë prova shkencore qe vërtetojnë fajësinë e te dyshuarit, si dhe mungon akti i ekspertimit. Edison Kodrali, është lene ne burg pa afat, per vrasjen e Et'hem Henes ne 28 tetor. Viktima ishte roje ne kazinonë e te birit dhe sipas hetuesve është vrare nga 35-vjeçari pasi ky i fundit kishte humbur një sasi parash aty.

Edison family members reaction Kodrali, accused of murdering casino guard Vlocisht village of Korca, has been very hard. Following the decision of the court was left in "prison term" 35-year-old, shocked his relatives insist that he is not the author of the murder Et'hem moon. Even 35-year-old accused of murder, for no moment has not acknowledged the crime. According to him, the moment where the murder happened casino guard, he was at home with family. But his testimony and family members did not convince the court, which has taken into account the evidence presented by the prosecution. According to the prosecutor of the case, I suspect there are contradictions in the evidence and the main trial is taking the fact that in his coat, on the day when the event took place, there were signs of gunpowder. But defense counsel stated there exist scientific evidence proving the guilt of the suspect and missing expertise act. Edison Kodrali, is left in prison term for the murder of Et'hem moon on October 28. The victim was in the casino guards and according to investigators son was killed by 35-year-old after the latter had lost a large amount of money there.

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