Per analistet dhe komentuesit e zhvillimeve politike, mesazhet ne vizitën e sekretares se shtetit Clinton ishin te qarta dhe te zbuluara qe ne hartimin e axhendes se takimeve.
Afrim Krasniqi mendon se shmangia e konferencës per shtyp me kryeministrin Berisha, takimi i ndare ne kohe te barabarte mes liderit te mazhorances dhe atij te opozitës, apo ftesa per subjekte politike dhe institucione qe shantazhohen nga shefi i ekzekutivit, dëshmon peshen reale te ketyre faktorëve. Ndersa pedagogu Roland Lami, i ftuar ne emisionin "ZIP" u shpreh se mesazhet e pa mbuluara me gjuhe diplomatike te sekretares Clinton, pritet te kene nje lloj efekti per klasen politike. Ndersa sipas publicistit Preç Zogaj vizita eshte domethenese, por ne Shqipëri këshillat per bashkëpunim nuk jane gjithnjë funksionale
For analysts and commentators on political messages in the visit of Secretary of State Clinton was clear and discovered that in the draft agenda of the meeting.Approach Krasniqi thinks that avoiding press conference with Prime Minister Berisha, divided into equal time meeting between the leader of the majority and the opposition, or call for political entities and institutions that are easily blackmailed by the chief executive, shows real weight of these factors. As professor Roland Lamy, the guest on the show "ZIP" said messages not covered by diplomatic language to Secretary Clinton, is expected to have a certain effect on the political class. While the publicist Prec Zogaj visits is significant, but in Albania for cooperation councils are not always functional