Berisha: Ftoj opozitën për bashkëpunim - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Mbledhja e qeverise i eshte kushtuar tërësisht vizites se sekretares se shtetit Hillary Clinton, nje dite pas qendrimit te saj disa oresh ne Tirane.
Duke u perqendruar tek mesazhet qe zonja Clinton dha gjate fjales se saj ne parlament kryeministri Berisha ka zbutur tonet ndaj opozites dhe ka ftuar rivalin e tij Edi Rama per te bashkëpunuar per hir te integrimit te vendit. Sipas kryeministrit, nen shembullin qe përçoi sekretarja per bashkëpunimin e saj me presidentin Obama dikur rival ne garen e nominimit; qeveria do te beje gjithçka per te bashkëpunuar me opozitën. Kryeministri Berisha eshte angazhuar edhe per zgjedhje te lira e te ndershme ne vitin 2013. Sipas kryeministrit nje nga arritjet me te rendesishme te shqiptareve ne këto 100 vite pavarësie eshte aleanca me Shtetet e Bashkuara te Amerikës.

Government collection is devoted entirely Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visit, a day after her stay a few hours in Tirana.Focusing on messages that Mrs. Clinton gave during her speech in parliament, Prime Minister Berisha has softened tones against the opposition and has invited his rival Edi Rama to cooperate for the sake of integration. According to the prime minister, under the example that conveyed the secretary for its cooperation with President Obama sometime rival in the nomination race; government will do everything to cooperate with the opposition. Prime Minister Berisha is also committed to free and fair elections in 2013. According to the prime minister one of the most important achievements of the Albanians in these 100 years of independence is the alliance with the United States of America.