Debatet per menyren e restaurimit mbajne peng prej dy vitesh tenderin per restaurimin e Manastirit te Mesopotamit ne Sarande.
Objekti historik i eshte nenshtruar dy fazave te para te rikonstruksionit te tij per shkak te demtimeve nder vite. Por edhe pse nje nga monumentet me te vizituara ne ne kete zone ky monument kulture nuk po merr pamjen e tij përfundimtare. Manastiri i Mesopotamit eshte ndertuar ne kohen e perandorit bizantin Kostandini i 9, ne shekullin e 11. Ai ndodhet shume prane parkut Arkeologjik te Finiqit, afer rruges nacionale duke u kthyer keshtu ne objekt te vizitueshem nga qindra turiste.
Debates about the way bear restoration of two years mortgage tender for the restoration of the Monastery of Mesopotamia in Saranda.
Historical object has attended the first two phases of its reconstruction due to injuries over the years. But even though one of the most visited monuments in the area this cultural monument is not receiving its final appearance. Mesopotamia monastery was built at the time of the Byzantine emperor Constantine 9, in the 11th century. It is located very close to the Archaeological park Finiqi near the national road, turning so the object place to visit by hundreds of tourists.