Bizhga në "ZIP" për ligjin e përgjimeve - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Deputeti i partisë Socialiste dhe anëtari i komisionit te Sigurisë, Gazmir Bizhga, ngre shqetesimin se drafti qe po diskutohet ne kuvend per përgjimet ka mangësi dhe le shteg per abuzime.
I ftuar ne emisionin ZIP, z. Bizhga theksoi se ekspertet e opozitës jane duke përgatitur nje pakete amendimesh, qe sipas tyre do te ishin te domosdoshme, per te mos cenuar privatësinë e qytetareve. Drafti eshte diskutuar fillimisht ne komisionin e Sigurisë, ndersa te henen seanca ne komisionin e ligjeve u shoqërua me debat dhe replika mes palëve. Z. Bizhga theksoi gjithashtu se opozita do te vazhdoje te insistoje deri ne fund per ngritjen e komisionit hetimor per ministrin Arben Imami, megjithe pengesat proceduriale te nxjerra nga Kuvendi.

Socialist Party MP and member of the safety committee, Gazmir Bizhga, raises concern that the draft was being discussed in parliament for interception is flawed and susceptible to abuse.
I invited ZIP emission, z. Bizhga opposition pointed out that experts are preparing a package of amendments, which according to them would be necessary, not violating the privacy of citizens. The draft was discussed initially Safety Commission, while the Monday session was accompanied by laws committee and reply debate between the parties. Mr. Bizhga also stressed that the opposition will continue to insist to the end for the establishment of the inquiry committee to the Minister Arben Imami, despite procedural obstacles issued by the Assembly.