Moti, nis dëbora në Kukës dhe Korçë - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 20

Mbremja e te henes dhe mengjesi i se martes kane shenuar reshjet e para te debores per kete vjeshte.
Por veçantia e tyre kete vit eshte se ne zona si Kukësi kane zbritur nga lartësitë e medha 2 mije meter mbi nivelin e detit, deri ne 800 meter. Ne kete qark majat e maleve jane mbuluar nga 10 cm debore, ndersa ne zonat e banuara si Shishtaveci 2-3 cm. Ne qarkun e Korçes, debora ka arritur deri ne 20 cm ne lartesite 1700 meter mbi nivelin e detit. Megjithate reshjet nuk kane shkaktuar probleme serioze. Ato kane shoqeruar motin e ftohte ne keto qytete, duke i dhene fund edhe reshjeve te shiut. Ne Kukes probleme ka pasur me furnizimin me energji elektrike ku përveç mungesave ka pasur edhe demtime ne pajisjet elektroshtepiake per shkak te shtrëngatave dhe shkarkimeve elektrike. Ndersa ne Korçe debora e pare ka rene ne Fshatin dardhe, ndersa ne komunat Vithkuq e Lekas trashësia ka arritur 15 cm. Trashesia e bores ka qene me e madhe ne disa fshatra te thella qe shtrihen rreze malit te Gramozit dhe ne komunen Mollaj ne Kolonje. Megjithate nuk raportohen probleme ne qarkullimin rrugor. Nderkohe koha e paqëndrueshme me reshje shiu do te vijoje net e gjithë vendin deri nga fundjava ku pritet edhe nje kthjellim i motit dhe rritje temperaturash.

Monday evening and Tuesday morning have marked the first precipitation of snow for this autumn.
But their uniqueness this year is that we Kukes area have dropped from great heights 2 thousand meter above sea level, up to 800 meter. In this circuit the tops of the mountains are covered by 10 cm of snow, while areas like Shishtaveci 2-3 cm. We Korca district, snow reached up to 20 cm in the 1700 meter heights above sea level. However rainfall have not caused serious problems. They have accompanied the cold weather in these cities, ending rainfall. Kukes had problems with the power supply where in addition there were shortages appliances injuries due to storms and electrical discharges. While in Korce first snow has fallen in the village pear, while in municipalities Vithkuq Lekas ??thickness reached 15 cm. Snow thickness was greater in some remote villages spanning beam Mount Gramozi and municipality Mollaj in Cologne. However, reported no problems in road traffic. While unstable rainy time will continue across the country until the weekend nights where he is also a disambiguation weather and rising temperatures.

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