Lirimi i banesave me pronare - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Gjykata Kushtetuese ka nisur sot shqyrtimin e ankesës mbi aktin normativ te qeverise për lirimin e banesave te ish pronareve. Para fillimit te seancës, shoqata e qiramarrësve te këtyre shtëpive, e cila ka bere dhe ankesën ne Gjykatën me te Larte, ka protestuar duke kërkuar pezullimin e aktit.
Sipas aktit normative te qeverise. Te gjitha banesat e ish pronareve duhen liruar duke filluar qe nga data 1 nëntor e këtij viti. Ne rast refuzimi, pronaret mund ti drejtohen gjykatës e cila do te vendose largimin e familjeve përmes përmbarimit.

The Constitutional Court has today launched the review on normative act of the government to release the housing to former owners. Before the start of the hearing, the tenants association of these homes, which has made ??an appeal in the High Court, has protested demanding the suspension of the act.
According to the normative act of the government. All apartments of the former owners could be released starting from November 1 this year. In case of refusal, the owners can turn to the courts which will decide the removal of families through execution.

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