Nje jave pasi Ilir Meta fitoi nje mandat te trete per drejtimin e Levizjes Socialiste per Integrim, kjo parti programon ndryshimin ne statut qe heq kufizimin e dy mandateve. Mes amendimeve qe po shqyrtohen ne konventen zgjedhore te LSI-së eshte dhe heqja e kufizimeve ne kohe per ata qe do te drejtojne kete force politike. Nderkohe, konventa zgjedhore ka aplikuar sot edhe votimin elektronik per zgjedhjen e 120 anetareve te keshillit te ri drejtues. Pas ketij votimi kreu i LSI-së Meta, tha se kjo forme votimi qe do te perdoret ne zgjedhjet e vitit 2013 ne Tirane dhe Fier, do te mundesoje shpejtimin e daljes se rezultateve.
A week after Ilir Meta won a third term for running the Socialist Movement for Integration, the party is scheduled change in statute that removes the restriction of two terms. Among the amendments that are being considered in the electoral convention LSI is the removal of the obstacles in time for those who are going to lead this political force. Meanwhile, election conventions applied today even electronic voting for the election of 120 new steering council members. After the vote head of SMI Meta, said the voting form to be used in the elections of 2013 in Tirana and Fier, will enable the acceleration of the release of the results.