Festa e Kurban Bajramit - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Myslimanet qe besojnë ne kalendarin hënor te Turqisë kane kremtuar festen e Kurban Bajramit qe ne oret e para te mengjesit. Mijera prej tyre kane falur namazin ne xhamitë e gjithe vendit. Nga qendra e Tiranes, aty ku dhe u falen drejtuesit e komunitetit mysliman uruan besimtaret si dhe uruan qe vitin tjeter te kene nje xhami te re. Kurban Bajrami eshte nje nder festat me te rendesishme te besimit mysliman. Ne thelb te kesaj dite, eshte kurbani. Ai ndahet ne tre pjese, nje per te varfrit, nje tjeter per te afermit dhe pjesa tjeter per familjen ditën e festes. Pas faljes se mëngjesit, besimtaret, urojne njeri-tjetrin per mbarësi dhe paqe. Ne kete dite, ata organizojnë dreken karakteristike te Kurban Bajramit. Nderkohe Kosova pritet ta festoj neser Kurban Bajramin pasi per kete feste i eshte referuar ritualeve te haxhi qe zhvillohen ne Meke te Arabisë Saudite.

Muslims who believe in the lunar calendar to Turkey have celebrated the holiday of Eid al-Adha in the early hours of the morning. Thousands of them have prayer in mosques throughout the country. From the center of Tirana, where, and worship leaders congratulated the Muslim community and congratulated believers next year to have a new glass. Eid al-Adha is one of the most important Muslim holidays. In essence, to this day, is sacrifice. It is divided into three parts, one for the poor, another for the relatives and the rest of the family on the day of the feast. After morning prayer, believing, Congratulate each other for prosperity and peace. On this day, they organize lunch characteristic Eid al-Adha. While Kosovo is expected to celebrate Eid al-Fitr after tomorrow for this celebration was referring to the pilgrimage rituals taking place in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.