Replika Berisha-Ahmetaj-Ruçi - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Opozita i ka kujtuar kryeministrit Berisha, se ka vrare 4 njerez para zyrave te tij me 21 janar. Gjate nje debati per privatizimin e Lanabregasit, dhe ndersa akuzonin njeri-tjetrin per korrupsion ne miliona euro, Arben Ahmetaj i eshte drejtuar Berishës, duke i thene se do te dale para drejtësisë. Por pas replikave Berisha-Ahmetaj, shefi i mazhorances, i eshte drejtuar kreut te grupit opozitar Ruçi, duke i thene se ka probleme me partine e tij, gje qe shkaktoi dhe te qeshura ne salle.

Opposition reminded the Prime Minister Berisha, that has killed 4 people before his offices on January 21. During a debate on privatize Lanabregasit, and while accusing each other of corruption in millions of euro, Arben Berisha Ahmetaj addressed, saying that would be brought to justice. But after comeback Berisha Ahmetaj, majority chief, addressed to the head of the opposition group Ruchi, saying that there are problems with his party, which caused laughter in the hall.