Meta fiton kreun e LSI-së - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Pa asnjë surprize ka marre fund gara për kreun e LSI.
Ilir Meta ka fituar mandatin e trete me 78% te votave përballe Luan Rames i cili ka siguruar mbështetjen e 21% te votuesve. Pas shpalljes se rezultateve kreu i LSI Meta ka vlerësuar demokracinë e brendshme ne parti. Pas zgjedhjes se kryetarit ne 27 tetor LSI do te zgjedhe edhe forumet drejtuese.

Without any surprise is over LSI head races.
Ilir Meta has won the third term with 78% of the votes in front of Luan Rama, who has secured the support of 21% of voters. After the announcement of the results LSI head Meta estimated internal democracy in the party. After selecting the President on October 27 LSI will elect leadership forums.