Mblidhet Asambleja e Partisë Socialiste - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Asambleja e partise Socialiste po diskuton prej dy oresh strategjine e se majtes per zgjedhjet e ardhshme parlamentare.
Mbledhja, e cila eshte zhvilluar pa pranine e medias, ka filluar me prezantimin e raportit te grupit te punes per situaten e ish-te perndjekurve politike, te cilet ndodhen prej 28 ditesh ne greve urie. Kryetarja e ketij grupi pune, Keti Bazhdari ka njohur anetaret e asamblese me kerkesat e grevisteve, duke theksuar se opozita mbeshtet demshperblimin e plote te kesaj shtrese. Pas diskutimeve per çeshtjen e ish-te perndjekurve politike e ka marre fjalen kryetari i PS-së Edi Rama, i cili ka shpalosur programin e PS-së per betejen elektorale te vitit 2013. Piketat kryesore te platformes se opozites jane: programi qeverises i konsultuar me eksperte dhe qytetare, bashkepunimi me grupet e interesit si shoqeria civile, biznesi, ish-pronaret e ish-te perndjekurit si dhe bashkepunimi me aleatet dhe koalicionet parazgjedhore.

Socialist Party Assembly is discussing a two-hour strategy of the left for the next parliamentary elections.
The meeting, which was held without the presence of the media, started with the presentation of the report of the working group on the situation of former political prisoners, who are of 28 days on hunger strike. Speaker of this working group, Kathy Bazhdari recognized members of the assembly with the demands of the strikers, stating that the opposition supports full indemnity of this layer. After discussions on the issue of ex-political prisoners has received keyword chairman of the Socialist Party Edi Rama, who has unveiled the SP program for electoral battle in 2013. Stakes main opposition platform are: governance program, consulted with experts and civic collaboration with stakeholders like civil society, business, the former owners of the former persecuted and cooperation with allies and electoral coalitions.