Vijon protesta e ish të përndjekurve - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Per me shume se nje ore, ish-te perndjekurit politike te mbeshtetur edhe nga shoqeria civile kane protestuar para selise se Parlamentit. Ne kohen qe deputetet diskutonin buxhetin faktik ne seance plenare; ish-te perndjekurit hodhen parrulla kunder qeverise duke kerkuar t'u jepet demshperblimi financiar qe u eshte premtuar. Ndersa shoket e tyre ndodhen ne diten e 27 te greves se urise; protestuesit perseriten apelin per zhvillimin e negociatave me qeverine per te zgjidhur problemet e kesaj shtrese. Nderkaq koordinatori Skender Tufa ka kerkuar lirimin e Asllan Patriotit; duke deklaruar se ky arrestim eshte bere per te sabotuar greven. Gjate gjithe kohes se zhvillimit te protestes ambientet e parlamentit jane rrethuar nga forca te shumta policie, por protesta u zhvillua e qete dhe pa incidente

For more than an hour, the former politically persecuted supported by civil society protested in front of the Parliament. We while discussing actual budget MPs in plenary session; former threw persecuted slogans against the government demanding to be given financial compensation they were promised. While their peers are in day 27 of the hunger strike; protesters repeated the appeal to conduct negotiations with the government to solve the problems of this layer. Meanwhile Skender coordinator Tufa has requested the release of Aslan patriot; stating that the arrest was made to sabotage the strike. Throughout the development of protest parliament premises are surrounded by numerous police forces, but protests took place smoothly and without incident