Bumçi: Moratoriumi, mund te hiqet - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Shtate vjet pas vendosjes se moratoriumit per skafet, qeveria jep sinjalet e para per heqjen e tij. Nga Vlora ku merrte pjese ne nje konference per Lundrimin dhe Turizmin detar, ministri i Kulturës, Aldo Bumçi, ka deklaruar se nga moratoriumi u përfitua reduktim i trafikut te qenieve njerëzorë dhe drogës si dhe kontroll i mire i kufijve qe çoi ne liberalizimin e vizave. Megjithatë sipas tij ka ardhur koha qe moratoriumi te rishihet. Heqja e moratoriumit per skafet ka qene nje kërkesë e përhershme e opozitës dhe e disa te zgjedhurve vendore ne qytetet bregdetare. Sipas tyre turizmi pas kësaj mase ka njohur rënie te zhvillimit te tij. Por qe prej 2005 kur hyri ne fuqi ligji kryeministri Berisha ka refuzuar ta heqë moratoriumin duke theksuar se ishte nje mase e domosdoshme ne luftën kundër trafikut.

Seven years after the establishment of the moratorium on speedboats, the government gives money to his removal signals. From Vlora where taking part in a conference on Navigation and Marine Tourism, Culture Minister, Aldo, has stated that the moratorium was financed reduction of traffic in human beings and drugs, as well as better control of the borders that led to the liberalization of the visa. However, according to him it is time that the moratorium be reviewed. Lifting the moratorium on speedboats has been a constant demand of the opposition and some local elected officials in coastal cities. According to tourism after the measure has been dropping its development. But since 2005 when the law came into force Prime Minister Berisha has refused to lift the moratorium stating that it was a necessary measure in the fight against trafficking.

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