Gjykata: Greva e paligjshme - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 3

Ne ditën e 26 te greves se urise, gjykata e Tiranes e ka shpallur te paligjshëm ngujimin e ish te burgosurve politike dhe ka urdhëruar shpërndarjen e menjëhershme te grevës.
Vendimi ka shkaktuar tension mes te ngujuarve te cilët kane beret e qarte se ata do ta vazhdojnë greven ne nje tjeter ambient dhe se nuk do te tërhiqen nga kërkesat e tyre ekonomike. Njeri prej grevisteve, Fatmir Lamaj, eshte derguar me urgjence ne spital pas shqetësimeve serioze ne zemer. Nderkaq dy koordinatoret e greves se urise, Skender Tufa dhe Asllan Patrioti, edhe nje here i kane bere apel kryeministrit Berisha per negociata. Ata e kane cilesuar kreun e qeverise si diktator duke paralajmeruar edhe fillimin e nje greve tjeter, madje edhe per vetëflijim. Nderkohe greva dhe ambientet ku ajo zhvillohet tashme prej 26 ditesh vijon te jete nen vëzhgimin e policisë se shtetit.

On day 26 of the hunger strike, Tirana court declared illegal incarceration of former political prisoners and has ordered the immediate delivery of the strike.
The decision has caused tension between the sheepfolds, who have made clear that they would continue the strike in another environment and it will not withdraw from their economic demands. One of the strikers, Fatmir Lamaj, is sent urgently to hospital after serious concerns in the heart. Meanwhile the two coordinators of the hunger strike, Skender Tufa and Aslan Patriot, once again have made an appeal to Prime Minister Berisha for negotiations. They have described the leader as a dictator government announced the start of another strike, even for self-sacrifice. While strikes and the place where it already held 26 days continues to be under the supervision of the state police.