I pandehuri i vetëm, i cili ndodhet ne qeli per ngjarjet e 21 janarit, gardisti Agim Llupo ka shmangur çdo përgjegjësi per vrasjen e protestuesit Ziver Veizi, duke pohuar se ka zbatuar vetem ligjin.
Llupo deklaroi ne gjykate se nuk ka qelluar mbi turmen, por vetem ne ajer dhe kjo ka ndodhur vetem ne dy raste, nje prej te cileve ishte gjate kohes kur nje makine hyri ne porten e kryeministrisë dhe kur disa protestues kaluan perimetrin e brendshëm te godinës. Llupo akuzoi prokurorinë se qe prej arrestimit te tij nuk e ka marre asnjëherë ne pyetje duke marre te mirëqenë faktin se ai është personi qe ka përdorur armen qe vrau Ziver Veizin. Gardisti eshte ndalur edhe ne momentin ku ka ndërruar armen, e cila sipas tij ishte demtuar nga protestuesit qe e kishin goditur me gurë dhe me mjete të forta. Më pas më ndërruan automatikun po nuk kam qëlluar më në ajër sepse situata u qetësuar, - ka theksuar Llupo. Me heret prokuroria lexoi ne gjykate theniet e dëshmitarëve Fatos Mahmutaj, Dritan Pepeaj dhe Anton Dedaj te cilet ndodhen jashte vendit.
The only defendant who is located in the cell for the events of January 21, gardisti Sunrise Llupo avoid any responsibility for the killing of protesters Ziver Veizi, claiming to have implemented only the law.
Llupo stated in the court that has not fired on the crowd, but only in the air and it occurred only in two cases, one of which was during the time when a car entered the gate of the prime minister and when some protesters crossed the inner perimeter of the building. Llupo accused the prosecution that since his arrest has never in question not taking for granted the fact that he is the person who has used weapons killed Ziver Veizi. Gardisti is stopped at the moment which has changed the weapon, which according to him was damaged by protesters who had stoned and strong tools. Then shifted automatic is I have not shot in the air because the situation was calm, - said Llupo. Previously read in court prosecution witness sayings Fatos Mahmutaj, Dritan Pepeaj and Anton Dedaj who are abroad.