Diskutimi i draftit për median - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Komisioni Parlamentar i Medias i ka hapur rruge miratimit te projektligjit integral per transmetimet me zë dhe figurë. Mazhoranca ka pranuar te nise diskutimi i draftit voluminoz te henen e ardhshme, sipas propozimit te relatorit socialist Alfred Dalipi. Vizion Plus ka zbardhur disa nga sugjerimet qe kane ardhur nga rrjeti evropian i radiotelevizioneve, EBU, pas kerkeses se Komisionit. Mësohet se EBU ka mbeshtetur nje formulen qe synon kompromis per zgjedhjen e anetareve te Keshillit Drejtues te Radio Televizonit, per te garantuar pavaresine politike te medias se vetme publike. 11 anetaret do te zgjidhen nga shoqeria civile, nga 5 te mbeshtetura nga 2 forcat e medha politike, ndersa njeri nese nuk gjendet konsensus zgjidhet me short. Por gjithsesi drejtori i RTSH miratohet me 2/3 e votave te Keshillit. EBU ka sugjeruar qe ne përbërjen e KKRT nuk duhet te kete anetare nga shoqatat e mediave private. Ne draftin per Mediat elektronike qe do t'u shperndahet anetareve te Komisionit javen e ardhshme, jane perfshire gjithashtu edhe propozimet per pershtatjen e strategjise te televizioneve dixhitale. Iniciativa per miratimin e nje ligji per Mediat ka nisur ne vitin 2006, por prej 6 vitesh drafti ka mbetur i bllokuar. Mazhoranca miratoi ne korrik 2011 pa pranine e opozites ne parim projektligjin. Por megjithese nuk eshte i nevojshëm votimi me shumice te cilesuar i draftit, fale kembenguljes se ndërkombëtareve, palet i bene amendime te reja projektit, qe pritet te miratohet kete vjeshte.

Parliamentary Media Commission has opened the way for approval of the draft integral to sound and image transmissions. The majority has agreed to start discussing voluminous draft next Monday, according to the proposal rapporteur socialist Alfred Dalipi. Vizion Plus has shed light on some of the suggestions that have come from the European network of broadcasters, EBU, upon request of the Commission. Learned that the EBU has supported a formula that seeks compromise on the election of members of the Board of Directors of Radio-Television, in order to guarantee the political independence of the media that the public only. 11 members will be elected from civil society, from 5 supported by the 2 major political forces, and if there is a consensus man chosen by lot. Yet director of ART approved by a 2/3 vote of the Council. EBU has suggested that in the composition of KKRT should not have members from the private media associations. We draft for electronic media which will be distributed to the members of the Committee next week, are also included proposals for adapting the strategy to digital television. The initiative for the adoption of a law on media started in 2006, but 6 years draft remained blocked. The majority adopted in July 2011 without the presence of opposition in principle the draft. But although it is not necessary qualified majority voting of the draft, thanks to the insistence of the international parties made ??amendments to the new project, which is expe...