Berisha sulmon grevistët - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 3

Ne diten e 24 te greves se urise se ish-te përndjekurve politike kryeministri Sali Berisha ka shuar çdo shprese per negociata. Ne mbledhjen e përjavshme te grupit parlamentar lideri i mazhorances jo vetem qe ka refuzuar te pranoje kërkesat e tyre por ka kaluar ne sulm duke e cilësuar greven e tyre politike dhe menaxheret e saj trafikante. Duke iu referuar kushteve per marrjen e statusit te vendit kandidat, kryeministri ftoi opozitën te votoje reformat e nevojshme kete jave por pa bere asnje lëshim. Propozimi i tij per fierin eshte mocioni per këshilltarët ndërkohë qe per reformën parlamentare kryeministri deklaroi se lëshimi i vetëm qe mund te beje eshte qe kreu i opozitës te flase vetëm pas fjalimit qendror te shefit te ekzekutivit. Gjate mbledhjes se grupit parlamentar kryeministri ka marre lule dhe urime per ditëlindjen e tij. Ne përvjetorin e 68 lideri i mazhorances Berisha ka bere publike edhe dëshirat e tij te cilat fokusohen tek nje mandat i ri qeverise. I menjëhershëm ka qene reagimi i liderit te opozitës Rama i cili ne faqen e tij zyrtare te twitter ka ironizuar futjen e zotit ne sfidën elektorale te 2013.

On the day of the hunger strike that 24 former political persecuted Prime Minister Sali Berisha has erased any hope for negotiations. At the weekly meeting of the parliamentary group leader of the majority not only refused to accept their demands but has spent in calling the strike attack their political and its managers traffickers. Referring to the conditions for obtaining the status of candidate country, the prime minister invited the opposition to vote the necessary reforms this week, but without making any concessions. His proposal for Fier motion for councilors while that for Prime Minister stated that the issue of parliamentary reform only you can make is that the opposition leader to speak only after the central speech chief executive. During the caucus meeting Prime Minister has received flowers and congratulations for his birthday. 68 anniversary majority leader Berisha has made ??public his wishes, which focused on a new government mandate. The reaction was immediate opposition leader Rama who in his official website twitter ironic Mr. introduction in 2013 electoral challenge.