Gjendet sëpata e krimit që vrau Aishe Vaten - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Policia ka gjetur sepaten me te cilen Shaban Norja i preu koken te dashures se tij 18-vjeçare Aishe Vata. Pas kërkimeve disa ditore sepata, u gjet pak meter larg vendit ku ishte hedhur koka e saj. Policia eshte ende ne kerkim te pistoletes me te cilen i moshuari ka vrare fillimisht vajzen. Sipas deshmive te tij arma eshte hedhur ne lume, megjithate kerkimet po vijojne edhe ne aren me miser ku u gjet trupi i pajete i viktimes. Analizat e ADN-së kane vertetuar pohimin e Norjas se ai eshte babai i foshnjes, qe ishte ngjizur tre muaj me pare. Mesohet nderkohe se Norja ka patur edhe nje banese me qera ne qytetin e Durrësit, prane Medresesë te cilen e shfrytezonte per takime me Aishe Vaten, gjate kohes qe ajo ishte ne shkolle. Familjaret e viktimës nga ana tjeter i jane shmangur kontakteve me median pas zbardhjes se ngjarjes makaber te Aishe Vates dhe lidhjes se saj 4 vjeçare me te moshuarin. Ndersa familja e 80-vjeçarit ka braktisur banesën ku jetonin prej vitesh, pas vdekjes se bashkëshortes se tij ne 2006. Nderkohe vrasësi i ka qëndruar pohimit fillestar se e vrau Aishen pasi ajo nuk pranonte te abortonte dhe dalja ne drite e historise se tyre do ta njolloste me turp ne fshatin Xhafzotaj ku jetonin te dy.

Police found the ax with which Shaban Norja beheaded his girlfriend of 18 Aishe Vata. After researching several days ax, was found a few meter away from where he had thrown her head. Police are still looking pistol with which the elderly person has killed daughter initially. According to the evidence of his weapon was thrown in the river, however, following research in the fields where maize was found the dead body of the victim. DNA tests have proven Norjas claim that he is the father of the baby, who was conceived three months ago. Learned while that Norja had an apartment for rent in the town of Durres, near Madrasah which utilization for meetings with Aishe wadding, during the time that she was in school. Relatives of the victim on the other hand are contacts with the media following the finding that terrible event Aishe Vates and her 4-year connection with the elderly. While the family of 80-year-old has abandoned the apartment where they lived for many years after his wife's death in 2006. While the shooter remained initial assertion that killed Aisha after she refused an abortion and exit in the light of their history will pollute Him shame we village Xhafzotaj where both lived.