Pronat, skandali ne Karaburun - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Shtohen detaje te reja ne akuzat e opozitës ndaj abuzimeve te kryera nga Ministria e Mbrojtjes. Deputeti i PS Taulant Balla është ndalur ne Karaburun, për te denoncuar skandalin e shitjes se disa reparteve ushtarake.
Ai ka evidentuar një liste te pronave qe nisin nga Orikumi, Llogoraja, ne Kepin e Gjuhzez, Karaburun etj, qe kane dale ne shitje nga Ministria e Mbrojtjes, pa bere me pare një studim mbi mundësitë qe ofrojnë këto prona për zhvillimin turistik te zonës. Deputeti Balla kërkoi nga Ministria e Mbrojtjes por edhe ajo e ekonomisë qe te ndalin procesin e shitjes se pronave publike, deri ne hartimin një studimi urbanistik për zonën. Sipas tij vetëm ne Karaburun janë rreth 32 mije metra katrore terren ushtrie qe po shiten ne mënyrë te nxituar, pa studiuar leverdinë e tyre ekonomike qe mund te sjellin ne zhvillimin e turizmit.

Added new details in opposition accusations of abuse carried out by the Ministry of Defence. PS deputy Taulant Balla is stopped on the Karaburun, to denounce the scandal of the sale of some military bases.
He has identified a list of properties that arise from Orikumi, Llogara, in Cape Gjuhzez, Karaburun, etc., that have emerged in the sale by the Ministry of Defense, without previously done a study on the possibilities that offer these properties for the tourist development of the area. Balla MP asked the Ministry of Defence but also that of the economy to stop the process of the sale of public property, so we design a study plan for the area. According to him only in Karaburun are about 32 thousand square meters of ground army that is sold in so hastily, without studying their economic utility that can bring in tourism development.

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