Komisioni Qendror i Zgjedhjeve i riformatuar ne me shume se 75 % te tij, do te nise nga puna te henen, ne 22 tetor. Pas votimit ne parlament, anetaret dhe kryetarja pritet te kryejne betimin te enjten e ardhshme para parlamentit. Ata nuk do te mund te nisin menjehere pune te premten, pasi eshte dite pushimi zyrtar. Mes 7 anetareve, 2 perfaqesuesit e PD: Vera Shtjefni dhe Hysen Osmani jane rizgjedhur, duke siguruar nje mandat te ri 6 vjeçar, pas 4 vitesh pervoje ne KQZ. Vendin e Arben Ristanit, qe e drejtoi kete institucion ne zgjedhjet e shume kontestuara te vitit 2009 dhe 2011, do ta zere Lefterie Lleshi. Ne CV e saj si juriste, jane 8 vite prane SHISH, 6 vite ne zyren e agjencisë se privatizimeve dhe 6 vitet e fundit keshilltare prane Kuvendit. Albana Shtylla u votua si anetare e KQZ, pas nje pervoje rreth 20 vjeçare si juriste ne administrate, se fundmi shefe kabineti tek Avokati i Popullit. Ajo tregon per Vizion Plus se sfida per te ndertuar nje KQZ te pavarur eshte e madhe, por beson tek profesionalizmi i anetareve te sapozgjedhur. Denar Biba i propozuari tjeter nga partia me e madhe opozitare, ka qene jurist prane gjykates Kushtetuese e se fundmi prane gjykates se Larte. Ndersa anetari i PBDNJ, Jani Jani ka drejtuar organizatën e minoritetit OMONIA. Ilirjan Muho, i partise aleate ne qeverisje, ish-gjyqtar, ka qene i atashuar per disa vite prane KQZ si perfaqesues i LSI, tashme do te zhvendoset ne tryezën e vendimmarrjes.
The Central Election Commission reformatted in more than 75% of it, will start work from Monday, October 22. After the vote in parliament, members and the President is expected to perform oath before parliament next Thursday. They will not be able to start work immediately on Friday, because it is an official holiday. Between 7 members, 2 representatives of the PD: Vera Stephen and Hysen Osmani are re-elected, providing a new 6-year term, after 4 years of experience in the CEC. Arben Ristani place, which led this institution more contested elections of 2009 and 2011, will take Lefterie Lleshi. In her CV as a lawyer, are 8 years at SIS, 6 years in office privatization agency and the past 6 years adviser to the Assembly. Albana Pillar was voted as a member of the CEC, after a 20-year experience as a lawyer in the administration, most recently head of staff at the Ombudsman. It shows Vizion Plus the challenge to build an independent CEC is great, but believes the professionalism of newly elected members. Biba penny next nominee of the biggest opposition party, was a lawyer with the Constitutional Court that the Supreme Court recently. As member of HURP, Jani Jani has run OMONIA minority organization. Ilirjan Muho, allied party in government, former judge, has been seconded for several years the CEC as a representative of the SMI, now will shift the decision-making table.