Lefteri Lleshi zgjidhet kryetare e KQZ - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 7

Zgjedhjet parlamentare te vitit 2013 do te drejtohen nga një KQZ me anëtarësi te re, e ne krye te ketij institucioni do te jete Lefteri LLeshi, deri tani anëtare e KLD dhe këshilltare juridike e kryeparlamentares Topalli. Mazhoranca mbajti një mbledhje me dyer te mbyllura pak minuta para votimit per te unifikuar numrat, ndërsa opozita nuk mori pjese ne votim. Kandidatja Lleshi mori 73 vota, ndërsa përballe saj ishte kandidatja tjetër e mazhorances Marsida Xhaferllari.
Kryeministri Berisha vlerësoi punën e ish kreut te KQZ,edhe pse ky i fundit është akuzuar nga opozita, dhe tha se ne te ardhmen Arben Ristani, do te jete ne krah te tij, ne cdo beteje elektorale. Ndërsa 6 anëtaret e tjerë te KQZ u zgjodhën me konsensus, duke siguruar vota përtej palëve politike, qe i propozuan. Me pak i votuar, veç kryetares se KQZ, ishte kandidati i LSI Ilirjan Muho me vetëm 98 vota, ndërsa me i mbështeturi Denar Biba, me 129 vota.

Parliamentary elections of 2013 will be led by a new CEC membership, at the head of this institution will be Lefteri Lleshi, by now a member of the High Council of Justice and Legal Advisor speaker of parliament Topalli. The majority held a closed-door meeting a few minutes before voting to unify numbers, while the opposition did not participate in the vote. Lleshi candidate got 73 votes, while in front of her was another nominee of the Government Marsida Xhaferllari.
Premier Berisha praised the work of the former head of the CEC, although the latter has been accused by the opposition, and said that in the future Arben Ristani, will be at his side, in any electoral battle. And 6 other members of the CEC were selected by consensus, ensuring votes across political parties, was proposed. Less of the vote, but the speaker that the CEC was LSI candidate Ilirjan Muho with only 98 votes, while relying Denar Biba, with 129 votes.