Sikunder ishte paralajmëruar ish te denuarit politik, kane protestuar përpara Parlamentit, ne mbështetje te greves se urise se kolegeve te tyre, greve e cila ka hyre ne diten e 20.
Protesta eshte zhvilluar ne masa te forta sigurie, dhe nje kordon i gjate policesh kane bllokuar edhe hyrjen per ne Kuvendin e Shqipërisë. Me parrulla ne duar, ish te dënuarit i kane kërkuar qeverise te mos heshte ndaj kërkesave te tyre, pasi rastet tronditëse te dy ish greviste qe dogjën veten, do te përsëriten. Ish te dënuarit kane kërkuar qe te lirohet kolegu i tyre Perikli Shqevi, pasi ai akuzohet se i vuri flaken Gjegj Ndreces. Protestës se ish te përndjekurve i eshte bashkuar edhe Aleanca Kuq e Zi. Te dënuarit dhe burgosurit politike pas përfundimit te protestës i jane bashkuar kolegeve te tyre qe ndodhen ne greve urie, te cilet kërkojnë dëmshpërblimin për vitet e burgut.
As was announced former political prisoners have protested in front of Parliament in support of the hunger strike that their colleagues, strike which has entered the 20th day.
The protest was held in tight security measures, and a long fuse police have blocked the entrance to the Parliament. With placards in their hands, ex-convicts have asked the government not to remain silent over their demands, as shocking cases of two former strike that burned himself, will be repeated. Former prisoners have asked to be released colleague of Pericles Shqevi, after he allegedly burnt respectively Ndreces. Persecuted protest has been joined by the Red and Black Alliance. Convicts and political prisoners after the end of the protest joined their colleagues who are on hunger strike, who seek compensation for years of prison.