Rishikimi i historisë sipas akademikeve - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 3

Periudha e mbretit Zog, por mbi te gjitha epoka komuniste ka nevoje te rishkruhen nga historianet e jo sipas direktivave politike. I ketij mendimi eshte sociologu Fatos Tarifa i cili u shpreh se ne kete 100 vjetor te pavarësisë, eshte i nevojshëm debati i menjëhershëm mbi historinë. Qëndrimi akademik i Tarifes ishte ne fakt njeri mes disa te tjerësh, qe u prezantuan kete te marte nga Akademia Shqiptare e Arteve dhe Shkencave. Ne konferencën shkencore qe lidhej pikërisht me 100 vjetorin, specialistet u përqendruan ne fusha si historia, arsimi apo ekonomia. Pjese e diskutimeve mes specialisteve te kësaj akademie përfshinë jo vetëm keto problematika ne Shqipëri, por edhe ne Kosove.

Period of King Zog, but above all the Communist era needs to be rewritten by historians, not by political directives. Of this opinion is Fatos Tarifa sociologist who said that in the 100 annual independence is needed immediate debate on history. Tariffs academic position was in fact one among several others, which were presented this past Tuesday by the Albanian Academy of Arts and Sciences. Scientific conference that linked precisely with the 100th anniversary, focused specialists in fields such as history, education or economy. Part of discussions between specialists of this academy includes not only these issues in Albania, but also in Kosovo.