4 HEC-et serish në shitje - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Ministria e Ekonomisë do te nxjerre serish ne shitje 4 hidrocentrale, privatimin i te cilave dështoi ne fillim te muajit shtator. Numri dy i ministrisë se Ekonomisë Sokol Dervishaj thotë per Vizion Plus, se ende nuk eshte përcaktuar nje date konkrete, por tenderi për privatizimin e katër veprave energjetike do te zhvillohet brenda ketij vit. Sipas tij, nje hap i tille do te ndërmerret pasi qeveria te marre vendim per rishikimin e formulës se shitjes. Tenderi per privatimin e katër hidrocentralet, Bistrica 1 dhe 2 si dhe Uleza dhe Shkopeti dështoi pasi kompanitë e interesuara ne gare kishin shfaqur ankesa lidhur me formulën e shitjes, e konkretisht per menyren se si do te operonin ne treg pas blerjes se tyre. Ndaj interesi i tyre nuk u konkretizua ne oferte konkrete ne garën qe u zhvillua.

The Ministry of Economy will lift sales again in 4 plants, privatimin of which failed at the beginning of September. Number two Ministry of Economy Sokol Dervishaj means for Vizion Plus, it is not yet set a specific date, but the tender for the privatization of four energy works will take place within this year. According to him, such a step will be taken after the government to take a decision on the revision of the formula that sale. Tender for privatimin of four plants, Bistrica 1 and 2 and Ulez and Shkopeti failed because companies interested in the race had expressed complaints regarding sales formula, specifically about how the market will operate after their acquisition. Therefore, their interest was not materialized in concrete offer in the race that took place.