Hetim skandaleve te ministrave - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Prokuroria duhet te kishte nisur hetimet per skandalet e denoncuara gjate diteve te fundit me ndarjen e reklamave shteterore por edhe me aferat e shitjes se armatimeve ne ministrinë e mbrojtjes.
Perballe heshtjes se organit te akuzes dhe qeverise; analiste dhe gazetare gjykojnë Prokuroria nuk ka nevoje te filloje hetimet vetem ne rastet e depozitimit te nje dosjeje por edhe ne rastet kur ka denoncime publike. Sipas gazetareve mungesa e reagimit nga ana e Prokurorisë vjen kryesisht per shkak te pasigurise se krijuar nga përfundimi i mandatit te kreut te organit te akuzes Ina Rama. Edhe pse ka jave qe opozita denoncon skandale ende prokuroria nuk ka nisur asnje hetim përjashtuar rastin e dhenies se 500 mije dollarëve per gazetën "Rilindja demokratike" nga ministri Olldashi per te cilin deputeti Eduard Shalsi depozitoi kallëzim penal. E njejta situate mund te thuhet edhe per skandalin e trafikut te armeve nga ana e ministrit Arben Imami, pas nje serie denoncimesh nga deputeti Erjon Braçe.

Prosecution should have launched investigations reported scandals the last few days with the allocation of state advertising, but also with weapons sales affairs in the ministry of defense.
Faced with silence that the prosecution and the government; analysts and journalists see prosecution does not need to start an investigation only if the filing of a folder but also in cases of public denunciations. According to journalists' lack of response by the Prosecution is mainly due to the uncertainty created by the end of the mandate of the head of the prosecution Ina Rama. Although there are weeks that opposition denounces scandals prosecution still has not launched any investigation except when a provision of $ 500 thousand for the newspaper "democratic rebirth" Olldashi for which the deputy minister Eduard Shalsi filed criminal charges. The same situation can be said for arms trafficking scandal by the Minister Arben Imami, after a series of denunciation by MP Erion Brace.