Berisha, fushate ne shkolle - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Ndonëse jemi ende larg zgjedhjeve te vitit 2013, mazhoranca po i jep karakter elektoral çdo aktiviteti, duke mos kursyer as fëmijët e shkollave. Këtë here kryeministri Berisha ka shfrytëzuar inaugurimin e shkollës se mesme te Ballshit "Dervish Hekali" për te sulmuar serish opozitën. Edhe pse ne institucionet arsimore është e ndaluar me ligj propaganda, kreu i qeverise nuk ka nguruar te beje politike dhe te hedhe akuza. Duke i njohur vetes meritat për investimet ne arsim, kryeministri premtoi me shume mbështetje për këtë sektor prioritar siç e quajti ai. Edhe pse viti shkollor ka tre jave qe ka nisur, kryeministri inauguroi shkollën e mesme te Ballshit, rikonstruksioni i se cilës kap vlerën e 17 milion lekeve te rinj.

Although we are still far from the 2013 elections, the majority is giving electoral character each activity, sparing neither school children. This time, Prime Minister Berisha has used high school inauguration Ballsh "Dervish Hekali" to attack the opposition again. Although educational institutions is prohibited by law propaganda, the head of the government has not been reluctant to make political and throw accusations. Knowing yourself credit for investments in education, the Prime Minister promised more support for this priority sector as he called it. Even though the school year has three weeks has begun, Prime Minister inaugurates school Ballsh, reconstruction of which amount to 17 million new lekeve.