Protesta për mungesën e ujit - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Banoret e Bathores kane bllokuar rrugën nacionale qe lidh kryeqytetin me veriun e vendit, ne shenje proteste ndaj mungesës se ujit te pijshëm. Protesta ka nisur herët ne mëngjes, pasi zona e Bathores ka 4 dite pa ujë. Ndërkaq, gjate zhvillimit te saj nuk kane munguar përplasjet me policinë, pasi kjo e fundit ka kërkuar te lirohet rruga. Edhe pse ndërmarrja e Ujësjellësit pretendon se ndërprerja e furnizimit ka ardhur për shkak te mospagimit te faturave, vete banoret deklarojnë se i kane shlyer te gjitha detyrimet.

Bathore residents have blocked the national road connecting the capital to the north of the country, in protest against the lack of drinking water. The protest started early in the morning, after the area of Bathore 4 days without water. However, during its development there have been clashes with the police, since the latter has asked to be released way. Although the company claims that Water supply interruption was due to non-payment of bills, the inhabitants declare that they have settled all obligations.

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