Petr Chobot - The basics of the Andean spiritual and healing system

2015-11-22 23
System of Indian meditations, during which we can develop our healing and clairvoyant abilities. The basis of this system is an effective activation of our basic energy centres, which leads to a huge transformation and the development of so-called extraordinary abilities in a relatively short time. This is an age-proven, very effective and simple system. For us, in our culture, there are particularly important its therapeutic skills. Targeted washing of the biofield and individual organs by directed fine-energy flows can remove many difficulties, including those we consider to be difficult to remove. But these simple ancient Indian meditations can also very quickly revitalize us, restore our mental and physical strength and enormously strengthen our defensive ability. By an above-average activation of some of our energy centres, we can achieve transcendental cosmic states, where a lot of information comes to us, and during which we learn a lot about ourselves and the whole Being. Petr Chobot very often realizes his work at the power places, both in Europe and South America. These are places of increased concentration of energy on Earth.