Sauk, mbijetesa me liste - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Sauku i poshtëm mund te quhet pa frikë zona ku mbijetohet duke marre ushqim me liste. Banoret shënojnë emrin ne fletoret e dyqaneve, dhe bizneset e vogla te zonës janë detyruar te pajtohen me këtë situate. Deputeti Besnik Bare dhe këshilltare te majte te bashkise, janë njohur me shqetësimin e banoreve duke, premtuar heqjen e taksës për biznesin e vogël ne rast se PS do jete ne pushtet. Kjo zone e Tiranes, është mbipopulluar nga te ardhur pas viteve 90. Mungesa e një pune, ka detyruar banoret te fokusohen kryesisht tek biznesi i vogël familjar.

Lower Sauk can be called without fear areas survive by taking food list. Residents recorded in notebooks name stores, and small businesses to the area were forced to agree to this situation. Loyalty Bare MP and advisor to the left of the municipality, are familiar with the concerns of residents, promised the abolition of tax for small business if the PS will be in power. This area of Tirana, is overcrowded by coming after 90 years. The lack of a job, has forced residents to focus primarily on small family business.