Dhurohet "firma" e Hoxhes - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 4

"100 pamje nga Parisi", botim francez, luksoz për kohen dhe ne faqen e pare shkruhet "Ne kujtim te miqësisë. Enver Hoxha, student mjekësie. Gjirokastër 21 Gusht 1930". Ky është një libër simboli i kalvarit te dhimbshëm te një familje italiane ne Shqipërinë komuniste. Botimi iu dhurua Aurela Posselit, një italianeje qe jetonte ne Gjirokastër, e cila refuzoi një marrëdhënie te mundshme, me atë qe me pas do te behej diktatori i shqiptareve. Martesa e Aurelias, me ish drejtorin italian te bankës ne Vlore, Renato Terrusi, beri qe me pas ai te arrestohej nga regjimi, deri ne vdekjen e tij ne burgun e Burrelit ne 1952. Sot, i biri, Aldo Terrusi, ia dhuroi këtë botim arkivit te shtetit, duke u bere pjese e fondit personal te Enver Hoxhes. Aldo Terrusi, e kishte rrëfyer ne fakt historinë e tij, te nenës e te babait, disa muaj me pare përmes botimit te librit "Rikthim ne vendin e Shqiponjave". Por, sot italiani qe iku nga Shqipëria kur ishte vetëm 6 muajsh, kerkon te gjeje eshtrat e babait,, i cili sipas Aldos mund te jete varrosur ne oborrin e burgut te Burrelit. Libri i Terrusit pritet te vije ne shqip ne fillim te muajit tetor dhe brenda tij ndodhet edhe nje kopje e dedikimit qe Enver Hoxha i ka bere Aurela Posselit.

"100 view from Paris", French edition, deluxe and time on the front page reads "In memory of friendship. Enver Hoxha, student of medicine. Gjirokastër 21 August 1930 ". This book is a symbol of the painful ordeal of an Italian family in communist Albania. The publication was presented Aurela Posselit, a italianeje living in Gjirokastër, which rejected a possible relationship with him who later would become Albanian dictator. Marriage Aurelias, the former director of the Italian bank in Vlore, Renato Terrusi, made ??after he was arrested by the regime, until his death in prison of Burrel in 1952. Today, his son, Aldo Terrusi, donated this archive edition of the state, becoming part of the personal fund of Enver Hoxha. Aldo Terrusi, had confessed in fact his story, mother and father, a few months ago through the publication of the book "Return to the land of Eagles". But today, the Italian who fled Albania when he was only 6 months, wants to find the remains of his father, who, according to Aldos may be buried in the courtyard of the prison of Burrel. Book Terrusit expected to come to slip in early October, and inside it is also a copy of Enver Hoxha dedication has made Aurela Posselit.