Banesat e ish-pronareve - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Debat brenda ne Kuvend dhe protesta jashtë sallës për aktin normativ qe detyron lirimin e banesave te ish-pronareve. Përpara nisjes se seancës banoret e pastrehe qe preken nga ky vendim kane protestuar, me argumentin se pasi kane paguar qira shume vjet rrezikojnë te dalin ne rruge. Ndërkohë ky akt normative ka ngjallur debate te forta dhe ne sallën e kuvendit mes mazhorances dhe opozitës. Deputeti Sajmir Tahiri ka akuzuar qeverinë se po tenton jo vetëm te nxjerr jashtë mija banore te pastrehe ,por me këtë akt normative nuk do ti ktheje as pronat atyre qe ju takon.

Debate within the Assembly and outside the hall protests normative act that requires the release of housing to former owners. Before leaving the session homeless residents affected by this decision protested, arguing that because they have paid rent many years threaten to hit the streets. While this normative act has sparked intense debates and assembly hall between the majority and the opposition. Tahiri Sajmir MP has accused the government of trying not only to spit out thousands of homeless residents, but this normative act will not return as those properties that belongs to you.

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