Gusht, shtrenjtohen çmimet - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Jetesa e shqiptareve u be edhe me shtrenjte gjate muajit gusht. Kjo për shkak te rritjes se çmimit te karburanteve, konkretisht te naftës dhe benzinës, qe kane arritur një rekord te ri ne treg duke u shitur me 200 leke për litër. Instituti i statistikave konstatoi se inflacioni për muajin qe lame pas, pësoi rritje ne raport me muajin korrik, duke arritur ne 2.8%. Por rritje ka shënuar edhe grupi i qirave. Muaji gusht ka shërbyer qe shume prej studenteve qe interesohen te sigurojnë një banese me qira për sezonin e ardhshëm shkollore. Sipas institutit te statistikave edhe grupi i ushqimeve e konkretisht, zarzavateve ka shënuar një rritje jo te lehte gjate gushtit.

Living Albanians became more expensive during the month of August. This is due to the increasing price of fuel, namely oil and gas, which have reached a new record in the market being sold at 200 leks per liter. Institute of Statistics found that inflation for the month was lame then grew in comparison with July, reaching 2.8%. But has also increased rental group. August has served many of the students who are interested to provide rental housing to school next season. According to the statistics institute particular food group, vegetables has increased not easy during August.