Vlorë, ekzekutohet 25-vjeçari - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 14

Një ekzekutim me arme zjarri ka tronditur qytetin e Vlorës. Mesnatën e se martës 25-vjeçari Amarildo Delaj është qëlluar për vdekje nga një breshëri automatiku, ndërsa kane mbetur te plagosur dy shokët e tij. Ngjarja e rende ka ndodhur ne lagjen "28 Nëntori", ne lokalin qe ishte ne pronësi te viktimës. Sipas policisë, 25-vjeçari i kthyer prej një viti nga emigracioni ishte ulur me dy miqtë e tij ne një nga tavolinat e lokalit. Rreth orës 23:45 autori, ende i paidentifikuar, i është afruar lokalit. Nga jashtë tij, nga një distance jo e largët, ai ka zbrazur një breshëri plumbash. Për pasoje, Amarildo Delaj ka mbetur i vdekur ne vend, ndërsa janë plagosur dy shokët e tij, emrat e te cilëve nuk bëhen te ditur. Policia ka nisur hetimet për zbardhjen e ngjarjes dhe identifikimin e autoreve te krimit. Ne vendngjarje grupi hetimor ka gjetur 11 gëzhoja automatiku. Dyshohet qe shënjestër e autoreve te ketë qene 25-vjeçari, pronari i lokalit. Policia ka shtrire hetimet ne dy pista ajo e ndonjë konflikti për çështje pronësie apo ndonjë konflikt gjate kohës kur 25-vjeçari ishte emigrant ne Spanjë dhe Itali.

Firearms execution has shaken the city of Vlora. Midnight on Tuesday 25-year-old Amarildo Delaj was shot to death by a machine gun bursts, while the remaining injured two of his friends. Serious event occurred in the neighborhood "28 November" in the shop that was owned by the victim. According to police, 25-year-old returned from a year of immigration was sitting with two of his friends in one of the bar tables. Around 23:45 the author, as yet unidentified, has approached the shop. From the outside, from a distance not far away, he emptied a hail of bullets. Consequently, Amarildo Delaj left dead in the country, and wounded two of his friends, whose names are not disclosed. Police have launched an investigation to shed light on the events and the identification of perpetrators. Scene investigation group found 11 automatic shells. The authors targeted suspected to have been 25-year-old shop owner. Police have expanded an investigation into two tracks that of any conflict or any conflict ownership issues during the time when the 25-year-old was the immigrant in Spain and Italy.